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Extended : Request for Proposals for ASEIC Eco-Innovation Consulting Project
22 Mar 2016

 ASEIC RFP 2016-6

Extended : Request for Proposals for ASEIC Eco-Innovation Consulting Project


ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center (ASEIC), as an intergovernmental body based on Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), is seeking capable firms to carry out the Eco- Innovation Consulting Project as a part of our efforts to disseminate eco-innovation to developing countries. We invite your firm to submit proposals in response to this request.



March 22, 2016

Chairman of ASEIC


A.   Background

More than ever, the industrial sector needs a strategy for driving green growth to better respond to the emerging energy and environmental crisis worldwide and to boost the growth potential of SMEs. ASEIC Eco-Innovation Consulting Project aimed to help SMEs in developing countries to quickly adapt to such a paradigm shift in the industrial environment and leverage new opportunities. ASEIC dispatches a team of consultants to SMEs in the ASEM region and provides technological support related to Eco-Innovation and delivers economic and environmental benefits through on-site assessments and one-on-one, customized consulting services.


B.   Overview


Project Description


n  Project Purpose

Provide customized consulting service to SMEs in developing countries of ASEM Member States in order to minimize environmental impact of their business. The project also runs programs to raise awareness for eco-innovation in those regions.


n  Project Period

Project Award Date ~ November 15, 2016 (Approximately 7 months)

n  Recipient Countries: The Philippines


n  Project Size

KRW 100 million in total


Key Tasks

n  Recruit local companies to participate in the project and provide Eco-Innovation consulting services

n  Select target industries and identify area of technological cooperation as well as build a business model (e.g. mitigation and/or adaptation) that SMEs can leverage

n  Perform quantitative and qualitative analyses of the environmental and economic benefits expected to be gained from the consulting and on-site assessments, determine the degree of solution implementation by companies following the consulting and organize supplementary programs to increase awareness of eco-innovation

n  Develop two or more case studies of particularly successful result from the consulting, hold seminars to raise awareness of eco-innovation, and conduct a survey to measure eco-innovation awareness before and after the consulting

n  Build a project model for connecting companies with international organization, MDB, global councils, the local community and government-sponsored funds to help participating companies implement the proposed consulting solutions, and analyze expected benefit from the consulting

n  Create Korean & English reports and conduct promotional activities

n  Strengthen channels for cooperation with the recipient countries and encourage their active participation in the projects

-   Encourage the recipient countries to provide their matching fund for more than 10% of the project cost (in cash or in kind)



C.   Selection of Contractor

Method of Selection:

Competitive Tender (The contract is awarded through negotiation)


n  The contract will be awarded in accordance with the Article 12 (Requirements to Participate in Competitive Tender), Article 14 (Qualification to Participate in Tender) and Article 76 (Limitation of Qualification of Under-qualified Persons to Participate in Tender) of ENFORCEMENT DECREE OF THE ACT ON CONTRACTS TO WHICH THE STATE IS A PARTY.


Evaluation and Selection

n  Evaluation: 90% weight to technical score and 10% to price score

-     The Evaluation shall be made by evaluation committee.


Evaluation criteria:

n  Conformity to the contents of the RFP

n Ability to assess Eco-Innovation process and to transfer knowledge to the recipients

n  Realistic objectives and indicators

n  Possibilities to turn the project into eco-innovation business


Applicants negotiate with ASEIC in order of the highest total score.

(Technical Score+ Price Score)

-     When two or more applicants have the same total score, the one with higher technical score will be given priority.

-     When two or more applicants have the same technical score, the one with higher score for factors with higher weight will be given priority.


Application Process:

Submit application  Review documents  Hold evaluation committee Notify the evaluation results  Select a contractor  Award the contract


Application and Submission

n  Dead line: 31, March, 2016

n  Address:

Pangyo Inno-Valley Building E Room 202, Pangyo-ro 255, Bundang-gu, Seongnam

n  Submission method:

Visit the office to submit applications

n  Documents to submit:

RFP, application form, pricing summary and other accompanying forms